Sunday, April 3, 2016

Sunday Journal 4/3/16

Happy Spring to all!!!

I have spent the last two weekends trying to get my front yard to look more like 'me' and less like the developers plan for a yard. Here are some pictures - kind of hard to figure out what's going on, just understand that wherever there is color now - there wasn't!

And YES those are alligators trying to get to my pelicans --- hey what's the point of having a front yard if you can't make it your own and make a statement to the neighbors (not 100% sure what the statement is ... but it's pretty funny!)

I also started participating in AtoZ along with my 7,6,5,4,3,2.1 theme for the month of April  -- so far so good.

Hope you all had a good week!


  1. You put a LOT of hard work into this and I am loving it, especially the alligators. I can just see your neighbors peeking out their windows and whispering. The "white-coats" should be arriving soon! Added benefit... it is likely to keep the grandkids out of the flower garden! :-)). Flowers should be fun and yours definitely are. :-). I'm also having a great time sharing your 7,6,5,4,3,2,1 challenge for the A-Z, so far it's easy, going to get harder as we get near the end, but then that's why it's called a challenge! Happy week ahead.

  2. HA - I love the alligators! that's a great touch. If those yellow flower bushes are what I think they are, they will grow big and fill in the bare spots. Then your alligators can really hide from the pelicans. :)

    1. I think that is what they are and I sure hope so!


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