

I LOVE the way words have so many different meanings. 
Every thursday I will set up a word and write about it and then ask other bloggers to use the same word and write as well. Then they can link up their ponderings and we can all collaborate.
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Sound good.... Why yes it does!!!
List of Prompts:

3/5/15         Cradle
3/12/15        Cap
3/19/15       Crude
3/26/15       Club


  1. Having a page to post the prompts, both the past ones and the upcoming one, has worked really well for me with Two Shoes Tuesday, and I think your followers will like this page too, I know I will!

  2. I do! :)
    It's what I do for my coffee chat too

  3. Thank you. This helps me. I always draft, revise, rewrite. I need time to agonize over it.


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