Those who don't remember yesterday are deemed to repeat it.
There are so many cool sayings about yesterday, but the truth is that yesterday is what makes us who we are today. I would love to think that at the ripe old age of 54 all my bad yesterdays are behind me, but history has taught me that just when you think things are going great someone drops a lemon on your head. You can either be sour about it or turn it into lemonade.
When I was but a child - I was not happy
When I was in my teens - I was not happy
When I was in my twenties - I was living for someone else's dreams
When I was in my thirties - I discovered hell
When I was in my fourties - I spent more time on others than on myself.
Now that I'm in my fifties - I am doing what I think is right - the hell with what anyone else thinks! and you know what? I'm happy!
Joining Josie2Shoes for Two shoes Tuesday