I really owe credit for this prompt to Rory Bore at Time Out For Mom
A couple of weeks ago she wrote a riddle and two words came out of that - this weeks and next weeks.
When I think of match I often think about pairs of socks. How does the dryer swallow so many socks that then leave me with mis-matched singles?
I'm also conscious of making sure my clothes match my shoes - even though I have been noticing a growing trend of people wearing shoes as an accent - you know a color that does not even 'match' what they're wearing.
And then there are the kinds of match that make soul mates find each other (or not) -
And last, but certainly not least, there is this kind of match:
and they used to come in match books: (Don't see many of these around any more)
Anyone know why Match Box cars were given that name? I'm thinking because they are the size of a matchbox.
I'm looking forward to seeing your interpretation of this word.